Dr. Ravula Phani Krishna is one of the leading experts in india in field of surgical gastroenterology GI oncology and hepatobiliary& transplant surgery. He is currently -Director of surgical services at Kims hospitals, Kondapur. He is honorary consultant for hepatobiliary and transplant surgery at Nizams institute and Osmania general hospital Hyderabad.
He has over 20 years experience in surgical gastroenterology and liver transplant at leading hospitals in India and abroad. Following his training in prestigious institutes like JIPMER and SGPGIMS He was consultant at Asian institute of gastroenterology for 8 years where he established a hepatic oncology and liver transplantation program .He has done fellowships in the UK (2 years), Japan(Kurume University) and South Korea (Asan Hospital) in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders and liver transplantation.